St. Colmcilles GAA, Meath

Founded 1971


Drogheda Credit Union Colour Run

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The ‘Drogheda Credit Union Cilles Colour Run’ is a 5- kilometer, untimed event.

At each kilometre mark, all Colour Runners are doused from head to toe in a different coloured powder. Participants wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered (head to toe) in a myriad of colours.

The ‘Cilles Colour Run’ is open to entrants of all ages, shapes & sizes – toddlers, kids, teenagers, adults, adults who still think they’re kids, mammies & daddies, families, grannies/grandads and even the family dogs if they want to get involved!!

The Drogheda Credit Union Cilles Colour Run takes place on *Saturday 3rd September* and we will have 2000+ entrants from within the Cilles club itself and also the event will be open to everyone and anyone in the surrounding Drogheda/East Meath/Louth region – even including all our local competitor clubs.

We will start and finish the event from Colmcilles HQ in Piltown with a fun filled day including bbq, and music etc to make it a day to remember!

Tickets on sale:

Family tickets and singly entry tickets are available and you can enter here